The works I have developed establish, as a starting point, an inherent precondition: the world around us has been shaped by man-made constructions that are constantly fighting against the finite character of nature. This dichotomy (nature vs. artificiality) is responsible for every historic and cultural structure promoting failed utopias and successful projects in different eras of the world.
My purpose is to present an overview of production surpluses, emphasizing contemporary remains that lay as infamous ruins: dust, garbage, faux finishes, discontinued items, and obsolete discourses that evidence former social structures.
I am interested in the collection and use of industrial and organic materials, and in blurring their origin through reorganization and simulation practices. For this purpose, I search for materials and objects that work as “cultural sponges”, that is to say, elements capable of mutating, collaborating with each other, and recalling meaningful sensory ways.
Through installations that combine sculptures, ceramics, and new media, I see the exhibition set-up as a land for doubt and speculation. In this sense, a world of possibilities to oscillate from the opposition between nature and artificiality to other issues and fields of study is offered by it. This approach has allowed me to create an ever-developing work in which I research allegorical discourses related to the production of objects throughout history. I use my installations as a material-discourse displacement, by creating multilayer stages that include organic, industrial, and cultural waste, in order to establish fields of relationships.
I consider my work as a sensitive and open scenario, immersed in a porous environment where materials loom up as surpluses and sediments of a muddy cultural fabric. I like to inspire the viewer with new plastic and discursive readings that are free from material or temporary hierarchies. I see erosion as a positive tool of analysis, from which it is possible to generate new study materials that allow for a contemporary staging of decay.